Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How Do I Help Someone Quit Smoking?

If someone you love is attempting to give up he smoking habit, you are probably very glad; there is no doubt that smoking causes all sorts of health problems and is a causative factor in many deaths every year, so you are probably thinking to yourself, "How do I help someone quit smoking?"

This is a very reasonable question, and if you are determined to help your friend, coworker, spouse, or other relative, it says a lot about who you are as a person. And, don't worry, even though you cannot just will for your friend to quit the cigarette habit, there are things you can do to help him or her quit.

Here are some things you can and should do:

· Offer to lend an ear or a word of encouragement. You know how recovering addicts and alcoholics usually have a sponsor they can call when they feel weak? A smoker might benefit from a telephone call or visit. Ask and then if your friend says yes, be sure to call or drop by to offer some support.

· Spend some time doing things with her so she has something to do to take her mind off of cigarettes. Whatever you do, don't take him or her to a bar; there are too many smokers there.

· Help with everyday chores or responsibilities. Most smokers feel stressed out when they try to quit, and taking a little bit of life's burdens off their hands for a while can be a big help.

· Be forgiving. Many smokers will be irritable or downright grouchy when they are quitting smoking; try not to take it personally, and learn to forgive and forget.

· Celebrate with little rewards like a nice lunch out or a shopping trip to the mall or whatever the smoker would like from time to time. Quitting smoking is hard, and if you make up milestones to celebrate, your friend or loved one is more likely to feel proud and keep up the hard work.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tom_Dyer

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